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The UK National

University Poetry Slam & Summit

Each year, the UniSlam Festival brings together teams of emerging writers from universities across the UK and Ireland for 3 days of masterclasses, talks and performance events alongside the national varsity poetry slam tournament. 


The festival is also home to the National Youth Poetry Showcase, which brings together England's top youth poetry collectives, and the Spoken Word Educators & Academic Researchers Network, founded at UniSlam 2020.


We believe poetry has the power to engage, empower and inspire. We run a number of workshop programmes and support opportunities throughout the year for writers and non-writers across the UK and Ireland.


Our programmes

Unislam festival
The UK’s largest team poetry slam tournament, providing workshops, talks and fringe events to the next generation of British poetry talent.
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The UniSlam 2021 Anthoogy,

edited by Anne Gill


Supporting 11-19 year olds who face barriers in accessing education and literature.
Natioal youth poetry showcase
Uplifting the voices of 16-25 year olds, developing their skills and celebrating their work.
Slambassadros Midlands weekend
The first ever SLAMbassadors weekend for writers aged 14-19 years in the Midlands.
Post-emerging cohort
Career development programme for poets who have left the ‘emerging artist’ stage and the associated 16-25 years age bracket.
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Career development opportunities for our network of UniSlam alumni.



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© 2019 UniSlam. The UK National University Poetry Slam & Summit.

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